In 1930, Oswald George Nelson—born in Jersey City, New Jersey on this date in 1906—graduated with a law degree from Rutgers University and was ready to hang out his shingle for business. Sadly, t ...
“…the courage, the devotion, the adventure of love…all strung on the bright thread of…Romance!”(Post)On the subject of the Golden Age of Radio, one word frequently comes to mind: versatility. Its dramatic shows often presented tales well-calculated to keep you in…Suspense! (If you listened to Bob ...
”Adventures in time and space…told in future tense!”(Post)The premiere of NBC Radio’s Dimension X on this date in 1950 was inspired by the phenomenal box office success of Universal-International’s Destination Moon, produced by the legendary George Pal ...
Happy Birthday, John Brown!(Post)In the 1949 film The Life of Riley—based on the successful radio situation comedy created by Irving Brecher (who also directed and wrote the silver screen adaptation)—one of the series’ most popul ...
When superheroes meet(Post)In 1940, DC Comics handed out a 96-page comic book entitled New York World’s Famous Comics as a souvenir to kids attending the World’s Fair that same year. On the comic book cover, the two biggest ...
Happy Centennial Birthday, Parley Baer!(Post)Simply put, the actor born in 1914 on this date in Salt Lake City, Utah possessed one of the most distinctive voices in the multiple mediums of radio, TV, and movies. Let me illustrate with a pers ...
“America’s favorite young couple…”(Post)On this date in 1935, bandleader Oswald George Nelson (we know him as “Ozzie Nelson”) tied the knot with Peggy Sue Snyder (we know her as “Harriet Hilliard”), the female vocalist that he hired for ...
The Never-Ending Battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way(Post)The Man of Steel made his comic book debut in Action Comics on April 18, 1938, and less than a year later (in January of 1939), the costumed superhero creation of Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster wou ...
Happy Birthday, Louise Erickson!(Post)Actress Louise Erickson—born in Oakland, California on this date in 1928—becomes a nonagenarian today…and we at Radio Spirits couldn’t be more excited about celebrating the occasion. In the 1940s ...
Happy Birthday, Marvin Miller!(Post)Though his show business career of nearly half-a-century extended to radio, TV, and motion pictures, the actor-announcer born Marvin Elliott Mueller in St. Louis, Missouri on this date in 1913 is ...
Happy Birthday, Tommy Cook!(Post)One night in 1941, child actor Tommy Cook was determined to see the Republic cliffhanger serial Jungle Girl. You see, he had a part in that motion picture as a native boy, Kimbu, so he stealthily ...
Happy Birthday, Howard Culver!(Post)In the summer of 1949, with CBS working on the idea for what would eventually become Gunsmoke, an audition was recorded (“Mark Dillon Goes to Gouge Eye”) that starred Howard Brasfield Culver—born ...